This season and tournament will be played by the official Babe Ruth Baseball Rules and Regulations with the following exceptions. The following is a reminder of some of these rules and any procedural issues pertaining to tournament play.
Pre-Game Rules
- All teams will play in 10 season play games to determine seeding for the double-elimination end of season tournament. The standings are calculated by a points system. Each team will be awarded 3 points for a Win on the field, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss or a forfeit. The tiebreaker for the end of season tournament seeding are as follows: Head-to-Head (if two teams are tied.) If more than two teams are tied. Points against, followed by Points For. Next is the differential (with a max of ten runs per game) then a coin flip to determine the higher seed. See individual schedules for breakdown of divisions.
- Game times are listed in the schedules provided. Games can start up to 30 minutes prior to the posted game time. Teams not able to field a complete team will be given 10 minutes from the start of the game (as determined by the head umpire) to secure enough players. If that does not occur, the team will automatically forfeit and the opposing team will advance on.
- Time Limits – All games will have a time limit. During season and tournament play, no new inning will begin after 75 min (1:15) of play in T-Ball (6U) and Rookie (8U); 90 min (1:30) in Minors Divisions; 105 min (1:45) of play in Majors and Prep Divisions. Cal Ripken games will be 6 innings in length. Babe Ruth games will be 7 innings in length. A new inning begins at the conclusion of the final out of the previous inning.
- Completion of Game – Normal baseball rules apply regarding the completion of the game, with the exception of the following: once time has expired, a game will be declared over and immediately concluded if the home team is ahead and at bat.
- Suspended Games - Rescheduled by the AB Director. All suspended games will begin from the exact point at which play was stopped.
- Run Rule – Any game will be terminated immediately if the following:
- Babe Ruth Division: 10 after five IP, 15 after four IP
- Cal Ripken Division: 10 after four IP, 15 after three IP
- T-Ball/Rookie Divisions: Any team is unable to surpass their opponent’s total runs
- Tie Games – Season games can end in a tie. Only for Championship weekend elimination games, there will be no ties, after appropriate innings or time limit– a Texas tiebreaker will be in place. The last batted out will be placed at 2nd base at the start of the proceeding innings and start with one out. Regular baseball rules apply.
- Home team – The season play schedule will indicate which team is the home team. Visitors take infield first when time permits. During bracket play, the higher seed shall be designated the home team.
- Dugout/Field of Play – Only the Manager, three coaches, bat person (8-18 yrs old) and rostered players are permitted in the dugout or on the field of play. This includes before and after a game.
- Bats - Umpires will check bats prior to each game (USA Bats ONLY). Please have bats lined up along the fence outside your dugout prior to the game. Penalty: If an illegal bat is discovered prior to a batter completing his/her “at bat” the bat is simply removed from play and the “at bat” continues. A player who uses an illegal bat or non-conforming barrel dimension and hits a fair ball will be ruled out. No advancement on the bases will be allowed, and any outs during the play shall stand. This is an “appeal play”. The "at bat" will be considered legal once a pitch is thrown to the next batter. Any bat discovered prior to the game that does not conform to the above rule shall be directed to be removed from the dugout and field immediately and not be allowed for use during the game. The team’s manager could be ejected and face disciplinary actions from their Rec and AB League.
- Lineup Cards - Each team will present a completed 4 carbon copy lineup sheet at the plate meeting giving the umpire, opposing manager, GameChanger person, and themselves a copy. Lineup changes during games shall be given to the home-plate umpire who will then record substitutions and confirm with the GameChanger person (use numbers, not names when reporting changes). Any players that do not enter into the game as starters or by substitution (ride the bench) will NOT receive credit for that game towards eligibility for the end of season tournament.
- Pitch Counts/Official Score – Will be maintained by the home team via Gamechanger, failure will result in a forfeit by the home team. The managers ONLY can request their pitch count and/or official score at any time during the game. This shall be official. Any intentional manipulation of GameChanger such as pitch counts, schedule, or scores will result in the team being eliminated from the end of season tournament.
- Scoreboards - Scoreboards will be maintained by the Away team. This is not official.
- Eligibility - Teams must play a minimum of two less than total official season games. Players must play a minimum of 50% of total official season games. Official games to include rainouts rescheduled for the following weekend only. If games are rained out for the official date and the weekend following, they will be considered Canceled and not played reducing the number of official games required to be eligible to play in the season ending tournament. No guest players or non-rostered players allowed for championship weekend. All directors must email in team rosters 72 hrs. prior to playing the first game.
- Ejections - Ejections are for the current game only unless further action is required by the hosting park liaison, AB Director, or predetermined penalties below.
- If two or more individuals representing the same league/park are involved in a physical altercation all those involved will be banned from the AB program for the remainder of the season. Additionally, the league/park those involved represent will be ejected for the remainder of the day/tournament in all divisions.
- Any one individual involved in a physical altercation will be banned from the AB program for the remainder of the season.
- Any and all staff of leagues/parks to include coaches, board members, and volunteers will be held to a higher standard. If in violation of any rules the set penalty is double for them. Example 1: If a coach is ejected from a game by officials, said coach is also banned for the next game even if it’s hosted at a different park. Example 2: If a staff member is ejected from the stands by officials for threat of violence, said staff member is ejected for the duration of the day and additionally banned for the entire next day of games even if it’s hosted at a different park.
- Electronics - With the exception of tablets or phones for scoring games, other electronic devices, cell phones, or headsets will not be allowed in the dugouts or on the playing field by tournament participants.
- Video Recording - Video recording of games from outside of the field of play is allowed as long as there is no disruption of or interference with the game. Video recording devices may be hung from the backstop or any portion of the fence. In Babe Ruth League, Inc., video recordings are not an authorized tool for use in determining the validity of a call. Penalty: The offending videographer shall be removed from the game and shall leave the playing field and can be removed from the complex for the remainder of the game or tournament, as deemed appropriate by the umpire as stated in Rule 3.15.
- Walk-up music is allowed at all levels (NO FOAL LANGUAGE OR EXPLICIT MATERIAL), but will be at the discretion of the hosting league/park. Music and noise makers of any kind must be turned off/cease prior to the first pitch per batter and may not resume until the completion of play. Penalty for non-compliance after one warning is forfeit of game.
- Tobacco - Tobacco and e-cigarettes of any kind are prohibited on or near the field.
- Warming up a pitcher - Anyone warming up a pitcher must wear protective headgear. NO Exceptions. This includes anywhere in the park while you’re sitting on a bucket or squatting down in a catcher’s position.
- Fan Behavior – The team manager will be held responsible for the behavior of their fans. Any non-players, non-coaches or non-bat boys/girls are not to enter the playing field at any time for any reason and are to display a positive attitude to all teams, players, umpires, and officials.
- Player/Coach behavior - Foul language, disrespect towards other teams, players, umpires, or officials; throwing or slamming of equipment will not be tolerated. One warning (MAY) be given by the umpire per team. Penalty: Ejection (Umpires discretion see line 15)
- Jewelry – Jewelry is permitted but limited to the following: 1 necklace allowed (No pendants unless they are medical or religious, need to be taped down), Non-metal bracelets allowed. NO rings, watches, or earrings allowed.
- Baseballs - Each team will provide two new game balls to the umpire at the plate meeting. At the conclusion of each game coaches may request for their baseballs back.
In-Game Rules
- Manager is the only person to communicate with umpires.
- No DH. No must play. No speed up rules unless noted below per division.
- Extra Player – All divisions may elect to bat either nine (9), ten (10), or the entire lineup. If a team starts the game with an EP, they must complete the game with an EP, otherwise, the game will be forfeited.
- Substitution Rule – Each player listed on the starting lineup may be substituted and then re-entered into the game one time. The player must occupy his original batting position. A substitute player (non-starter) may not reenter the game once he has been pulled for the starting player (except in emergency re-entry as outlined below).
- Emergency re-entry – an already-used player may be reentered into the game if all other substitutes have been used and an injury occurs or a player is ejected. The opposing manager shall select which already-used player will reenter. The injured/ejected player cannot reenter under any circumstance if a player is inserted under this rule.
- Player Injuries – Any player that is removed from a game due to injury can return in accordance with the regular substitution rule as listed above. A player who is considered seriously injured by the umpire must be cleared by qualified Medical Personnel before he can continue play in the Tournament. The District Commissioner and/or his designee will determine if the player has been properly checked and cleared by a qualified Medical Person evaluating the player. The District Commissioner will require a release from EMT’s or Hospital Personnel who treated the player.
- Protests - A judgment call cannot be protested. All protests must be filed with the chief umpire immediately. No protest, except on player eligibility, will be honored after the game has been completed. Play will be stopped until a ruling is given by the protest committee. Only the manager may protest. Members of the protest committee will be one non-rostered coach parent from each team as well as the respective league AB Liaison. Video will not be accepted or viewed by tournament staff or the umpire. The decision of the protest committee is final.
- Contact Rule - If a runner attempting to reach home plate or a base runs into a defensive player intentionally and maliciously, he will be called out on the play and ejected from the game. This is an umpire’s judgment call.
- Slash Bunt/Fake Bunt – In Cal Ripken Division, a batter is out for illegal action when the batter fakes a bunt and then takes a full swing. Penalty: The batter is out, the ball is dead, and no runners may advance.
- Appeals – The appeal of a missed base, tag-up on a pop fly, missed tag or batting out of order is not automatic. The umpire will not rule on a play unless the appeal is properly made. Balls, strikes, fair and foul, safe and outs can NOT be appealed.
Pitching Rules
- Limitations – There are no limitations on the number of innings or the number of days a pitcher may pitch throughout the tournament, with the exception of the following pitch- count limitations: Tournament Pitching Rest Requirements:
League Age Daily Max 0 DAY* 1 Day 2 Days
7-8 50 1-20 21 - 35 36+
9-10 75 1-40 41 - 65 66+
11-12 85 1-40 41 - 65 66+
13-15 95 1-45 46 - 75 76+
16-18 105 1-45 46 - 75 76 +
- Max Pitches – A pitcher is not a pitcher of record until he pitches one pitch to a batter. All there is no finish the batter rule. If a pitcher reaches his max number of pitches for the day the pitch count has a HARD STOP.
- Suspended Games – If a game is suspended to the following day for any reason, the pitcher of record may continue pitching when the game resumes to the extent of their pitching availability on the day the game resumes. Their pitch count does reset when the game is resumed, provided they had an appropriate number of days’ rest based upon the last time they pitched. Any pitches thrown during the make-up portion of the game will count toward that days’ max pitches. All players who have pitching eligibility on the day the game is resumed are eligible to pitch.
- Ineligible Pitchers – Games in which an ineligible pitcher is used shall be declared a forfeit. If the ineligibility is discovered and corrected prior to the pitcher delivering a pitch to a batter, the violation will not be deemed a forfeit.
- Intentional Walks – An intentional walk may be requested by the catcher or defensive coach at any time, regardless of pitch count. Intentional walks will not count towards a pitcher’s daily pitch count.
- Trips to the mound - Trips to the mound shall be limited to one per inning per pitcher. The second trip in the same inning will result in removal of that player as a pitcher. Any effort to circumvent this rule will result in a trip to the mound being charged by the umpire.
Prep Division (16U)
- Designated Hitter (DH) Rule 6.10 and Courtesy Runner Rule 3.04(a) are allowed in the 13-16U Division.
- In order to acquire more participants in the 16u prep division, high school players are eligible to play in PCAB with the exception that they can NOT pitch.
Majors Division (12U)
- Courtesy Runner – The “catcher of record” may have a courtesy runner run for them every time they are up to bat. The courtesy runner used must be a player who is currently not in the game (a sub) or the last recorded out if batting the entire lineup. Being used as a courtesy runner does not use up their eligibility to sub. A used sub can still be used as a courtesy runner. The same courtesy runner can only be used once per inning. If a team does not have any substitutes, they cannot use the courtesy runner.
Minors Division (10U)
- Baserunners – A baserunner is not permitted to leave a base until a pitched ball reaches home plate. If the runner leaves early, he is a live player and can be put out. If he reaches the next base safely, all runners will be returned to the base previously occupied before the pitch was made. If a ball is batted into play, the umpire will award the appropriate base the batter would have made safely had the runner not left early and all runners will be returned to the nearest base previously occupied.
- Catchers in possession – Once a catcher is in possession of a pitched ball and a baserunner’s forward progress is stopped, all runners must immediately return to their bases.
- Courtesy Runner – The “catcher of record” may have a courtesy runner run for them every time they are up to bat. The courtesy runner used must be a player who is currently not in the game (a sub) or the last recorded out if batting the entire lineup. Being used as a courtesy runner does not use up their eligibility to sub. A used sub can still be used as a courtesy runner. The same courtesy runner can only be used once per inning. If a team does not have any substitutes, they cannot use the courtesy runner.
- Scoring – When a team’s sixth (6ᵗʰ) run of any inning is scored, the inning shall be considered over, even if the team batting has less than 3 outs assessed against them.
Rookie Division (8U)
- The designated pitch machine is only the “Perfect Pitch Arm”. Hosting parks must provide necessary machines or borrow them if needed inorder to host.
- Lineup – A coach may bat 10 players, 11 players (utilizing EH), or the entire lineup with free substitution.
- 9 players – Teams must start the game with at least 9 players, with an out taken in the position of the 10ᵗʰ batter if he fails to show. Less than 9 players will result in a forfeit (after 10 minutes to secure a 9ᵗʰ player). If a coach elects to bat more than 10 players and a player is to arrive late, his spot in the lineup will simply be skipped without penalty until he arrives.
- # pitches – Batters will receive a maximum of four (4) pitches or three (3) strikes and one watch pitch. A foul on the 4ᵗʰ pitch and subsequent pitches shall keep the batter alive. There will be no intentional walks. Batters hit by a pitch will be a judgment call by the umpire.
- No pitch – A pitch can be deemed “no pitch” if in the judgment of the umpire there was machine malfunction.
- Hit machine – A batted ball which hits the machine or sandbags before a player has the opportunity to field it shall be a dead ball and the batter is awarded first base additionally base runners advance to next base if forced. If any defensive players touch the ball prior to it hitting the machine or umpire it is a live ball. A ball thrown into the machine is a live ball.
- Baserunners – A base runner is not permitted to leave a base until a pitched ball reaches home plate. If the runner leaves early, he is a live player and can be put out. If he reaches the next base safely, all runners will be returned to the base previously occupied before the pitch was made. If a ball is batted into play, the umpire will award the appropriate base the batter would have made safely had the runner not left early and all runners will be returned to the nearest base previously occupied.
- Stealing - NO STEALING is permitted in this division.
- Defense – There shall be ten (10) players on the field defensively with the 10ᵗʰ player positioned in the outfield. No more than 6 players may play in the infield. Pitchers are required to remain behind the machine and have at least one foot inside of the pitcher’s circle, until the ball released by the machine has been hit. Penalty of such action is: 1) Warning to the player and coach of the illegal action 2) 2nd offense will result in the player being removed from the pitcher position for the remainder of the game.
- Bunts – Bunts are permitted. A defensive player cannot crash to a position in front of the machine until after the ball is released by the machine.
- Courtesy Runner – The “catcher of record” may have a courtesy runner run for them every time they are up to bat. The courtesy runner used must be a player who is currently not in the game (a sub) or the last recorded out if batting the entire lineup. Being used as a courtesy runner does not use up their eligibility to sub. A used sub can still be used as a courtesy runner. The same courtesy runner can only be used once per inning. If a team does not have any substitutes, they cannot use the courtesy runner.
- Time out request –Time-out is requested by a coach/player, and then granted only by the umpires, at the umpire’s discretion. Before a timeout shall be granted to the defensive team in a live ball situation, the defense must cause the offense to cease play (i.e. force the base runner(s) into a non-advancing situation).
- Defensive Coaches – Two defensive coaches will be allowed on the field while their team is on defense (all other coaches must remain inside the dugout). The two defensive coaches must be positioned in foul territory, outside/beyond 1ˢᵗ/3ʳᵈ base infield clay, and down each respective foul line. If any coach attempts to intimidate, coerce or otherwise negatively affect the opposing team, they will be removed from the field/game at the umpire’s discretion.
- Sliding – There is no “must slide” rule in this tournament. Head first sliding is permitted.
- Unintentional Bat Throwing – A warning will be issued to the team in violation the first time a bat is thrown that is in the judgment of the umpire, unintentional. Both teams will be informed, but the offending team will be notified that the next time this occurs, the batter will be called out and play will be dead at the time of the incident.
- Scoring – When a team’s sixth (6ᵗʰ) run of any inning is scored, the inning shall be considered over, even if the team batting has less than 3 outs assessed against them.
T-Ball Division (6U)
- Equipment - Teams may use a Tee of their own while at bat, subject to approval. Regular Cal Ripken League baseballs will be used. All players are required to wear approved batting helmets while batting. Catcher’s equipment is optional. Catchers will be positioned behind the umpire. USA approved T Ball bats and CR USA approved bats are permitted to be used in this tournament.
- Lineup – A coach may bat 10 players, 11 players (utilizing EH), or the entire lineup with free substitution.
- 9 players – Teams must start the game with at least 9 players, with an out taken in the position of the 10ᵗʰ batter if he fails to show. Less than 9 players will result in a forfeit (after 10 minutes to secure a 9ᵗʰ player). If a coach elects to bat more than 10 players and a player is to arrive late, his spot in the lineup will simply be skipped without penalty until he arrives.
- # swings – Batters are permitted to swing at the ball until they hit a ball in fair territory or have three (3) complete misses of the ball or four (4) foul balls. A strike will be called if the bat hits the tee without hitting the ball.
- Ball in play – A batted ball which does not reach the 25’ arc marked in front of home plate and is not fielded by a defensive player is considered a dead ball and considered a foul ball. If a defensive player touches a batted ball before it crosses the 25' line and before the umpire declares the ball dead, it becomes a live ball.
- Tee – Coaches will set the tee for the batters and assist with the tee when necessary. The coach may also position the players in the batter’s box.
- Baserunners – A base runner is not permitted to leave a base until a batted ball is put into play. If the runner leaves early, he is a live player and can be put out. If he reaches the next base safely, all runners will be returned to the base previously occupied before the pitch was made. If a ball is batted into play, the umpire will award the appropriate base the batter would have made safely had the runner not left early and all runners will be returned to the nearest base previously occupied.
- Stealing - NO STEALING is permitted in this division.
- Unintentional Bat Throwing – A warning will be issued to the team in violation the first time a bat is thrown that is in the judgment of the umpire, unintentional. Both teams will be informed, but the offending team will be notified that the next time this occurs, the batter will be called out and play will be dead at the time of the incident.
- Defense – There shall be ten (10) players on the field defensively with the 10ᵗʰ player positioned in the outfield. No more than 6 players may play in the infield. Pitchers are required to have at least one foot on the pitcher’s rubber, until the ball is hit.
- Defensive Coaches – Two defensive coaches will be allowed on the field while their team is on defense (all other coaches must remain inside the dugout). The two defensive coaches must be positioned in foul territory, outside/beyond 1ˢᵗ/3ʳᵈ base infield clay, and down each respective foul line. If any coach attempts to intimidate, coerce or otherwise negatively affect the opposing team, they will be removed from the field/game at the umpire’s discretion.
- Overthrows - Players can advance as many bases as possible, until the play is called dead by the umpire or when the ball is returned to the pitcher on the mound, action has ceased, and the umpire has declared the play over.
- Time out request –Time-out is requested by a coach/player, and then granted only by the umpires, at the umpire’s discretion. Before a timeout shall be granted to the defensive team in a live ball situation, the defense must cause the offense to cease play (i.e. force the base runner(s) into a non-advancing situation).
- Scoring – When a team’s sixth (6ᵗʰ) run of any inning is scored, the inning shall be considered over, even if the team batting has less than 3 outs assessed against them.
Managers, coaches, and players are to refrain from arguing or showing disrespect to the officials under any circumstances. If a manager, coach, or player is asked to leave the game by an umpire, Babe Ruth or tournament official, they must leave the tournament complex immediately. [An ejected player may be required to remain in the dugout if proper parental or guardian supervision is not at the field.] Failure to do so can result in actions against the entire team, including removal from the tournament.
In Closing, be smart and avoid trouble. There is always a certain level of tension in competitive
sports. We do not want you or your team to lose your competitive edge - - the desire to perform at one's very best makes the game exciting for everyone. But ensure that your team stays under
control, even if another player or fan says something that they find offensive. Tell your team to
keep their cool, and not to respond to provocation in any way that could lead to disqualification.
Remember, baseball games are won with hits and runs, not with words.